The problem with avoiding politics is that it has a way of finding you regardless of your desire for it. So, it might be best to be honest about it before it gets dishonest with you.
Politicians lie. Pretty much all of them. Yet we get on board with one lying side or another. But, it’s not about picking sides. It’s about keeping the whole system honest.
If you pick sides you have fallen for the lie. The system will use you and spit you out.
Your goal is to demand the system to be honest. That means max pressure on all sides not max pressure to one side. That is the prim directive.
If you pick a side you will eventually be unable to distinguish the lies from the truth. The lie has absorbed you. You have miss understand the process and the battle at large.
When you vote, you are not voting blue, red, purple, black, or white. You must vote in a way that demands honesty by disavowing lies on all sides.
A kingdom divided will stand in submission to the unified. If the people divide the system subdues them. If the system is subdued it is only by a united people.
At this precipice the people are divided. To see through the lies we the people must humble ourselves and exit this folly. We need to acknowledge our own dishonesty by humility.
My call is to humble myself before God before the lies humiliate me and my people.
This means being humble enough to speak truth to all lies.
P.S. Don’t get hung up on the movement of the issues politicians incite and excite. It is the heart of the people that must be moved.
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